Tüm Çevirmenler ve Çeviri İşletmeleri Derneği

Regulation of Association

Name and Center of the Association


Abbreviation of the Association: “TCCD”.

The centre of the association is ANKARA.

The Association may open branches domestically and abroad.

The Purpose of the Association and the Subjects and Methods of Work to be carried out by the Association in order to realise this Purpose and the Field of Activity

Article 2-The Association is established with the aim of providing translation support and ensuring more effective and improved translation service contributions made by translators in Turkey to Public and Private Institutions and Organizations in accordance with the standards of translation, interpreting and translation service location.

Subjects and Methods of Work to be Conducted by the Association

  1.     To make researches for the activation and development of translation activities of translators in the profession of translation and interpreting in Türkiye,
  2.     To organise training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels to ensure the development of translation and translators,
  3.     Conducting activities to train translator candidates to be meticulous, disciplined and serious about their translations in a manner befitting professional ethics,
  4.     To provide all kinds of information, documents, documents and publications necessary for the realisation of its objectives, to create a documentation center, to publish newspapers, magazines, books, etc. in line with its objectives in order to announce its activities, and to issue working and informative bulletins to be distributed to its members,
  5.     To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to provide all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery materials,
  7.     To establish and operate economic, commercial and industrial enterprises in order to provide the revenues required for the realisation of the objectives of the By-Law,
  8.     To open a clubhouse, to establish and furnish social and cultural facilities for the benefit of its members and to make use of their free time,
  9.     To organize dinner meetings, concerts, balls, theatres, exhibitions, excursions and entertaining events, etc. in order to develop and maintain friendly relations among its members or to ensure that the members can benefit from such activities,
  10. To purchase, sell, lease, rent, lease out and establish real rights on immovable and immovable property needed for the activities of the Association,


  1. If deemed necessary to achieve the goal, establishing a foundation, forming a federation, or joining an existing federation with the necessary permission, and establishing facilities that associations can establish with permission.


  1. To engage in international activities, to become a member of organisations such as associations or federations abroad and to cooperate or cooperate with these organisations on a project basis,


  1. In order to realise the purpose of the Association, to receive financial aid from associations with similar purposes, workers’ and employers’ unions and professional organisations and to provide financial aid to the aforementioned institutions,


  1. If deemed necessary for the realisation of the purpose, to carry out joint projects with public institutions and organisations on issues within their fields of duty, with the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the Relations of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations being reserved,


  1. Establishing a fund for the purpose of meeting the members of the Association’s essential needs such as food, clothing and other goods and services and short-term credit needs,


  1. To create platforms with other associations or foundations, trade unions and similar non-governmental organisations in order to achieve a common goal in areas that are related to the purpose of the association and not prohibited by law,
  2. To monitor, supervise and make requirements for the implementation of professional and ethical principles by establishing the necessary Boards, to prevent unfair competition, to ensure to become a taxpayer in accordance with the relevant articles of the Tax Procedure Law, to cooperate with public institutions and organisations to prevent unregistered activities,


Field of Activity of the Association

The Association is active in the field of Translation and Interpreting.


Right to Become a Member and Membership Procedures

Article 3- Any real or legal person who has obtained a Certificate of Interpreter Qualification or who has worked in the profession of translation and interpreting in Türkiye on a permanent or part-time basis and accepts to work in this direction by adopting the objectives and principles of the association mentioned above and meets the conditions stipulated by the Legislation has the right to become a member of this association. However, foreign real persons must also have the right to reside in Türkiye in order to become a member. This condition is not required for Honorary Membership.

Translation agencies must have references from at least 3 (three) member translators. Translators who will become members must have references from at least 3 (three) translation agencies.

The membership application to be made in writing to the Association Presidency shall be decided by the Board of Directors of the Association within maximum thirty days as acceptance or rejection of the request and the result shall be notified to the applicant in writing. The member whose application is accepted shall be recorded to the book to be kept for this purpose.

The original members of the Association are the founders of the Association and the persons who are accepted to membership by the Board of Directors upon their application.

Those who have provided significant material and moral support to the Association may be accepted as honorary members with the decision of the Board of Directors.

In the event of the opening of a branch of the Association, the membership records of those registered at the head office of the Association shall be transferred to the branches. New membership applications are made to the branches. Acceptance to membership and deletion from membership shall be made by the branch boards of directors and notified to the Head Office in writing within maximum thirty days.

Quitting Membership

Article 4-Each member has the right to withdraw from the Association on condition that a written notice is given.

As soon as the member’s resignation petition reaches the board of directors, the exit procedures are considered finalised. Resignation from membership does not terminate the member’s accumulated debts to the association.

Dismissal from Membership

Article5- Cases necessitating expulsion from association membership.

  1.     To engage in behaviours contrary to the bylaws of the association,
  2.     Consistently avoiding assigned tasks,
  3.     In spite of written warnings, failure to pay the membership fee within six months,
  4.     Failure to comply with the decisions taken by the bodies of the Association.
  5.     Losing the qualifications required for membership.

In case one of the above situations is detected, the member may be dismissed from membership with the decision of the board of directors.

Those who leave or are expelled from the association shall be deleted from the member registry and cannot claim any rights in the assets of the association.

Bodies of the Association

Article 6 – The bodies of the Association are shown below.

1-General assembly,

2-Board of Directors,

3-Supervisory Board,

Form of Establishment of the General Assembly of the Association, Meeting Time and Call and Meeting Procedure

Article 7-General Assembly is the most authorized decision-making body of the association and consists of the members registered in the association, the natural delegates of the branch and the delegates elected by the members registered in the branch.

General assembly;

1-This is usual at the time specified in the bylaws,

2- It convenes extraordinarily within thirty days when it is deemed necessary by the board of directors or supervisory board or upon the written request of one fifth of the members of the association.

The Ordinary General Assembly convenes every 3 years, in May, on the day, place and time to be determined by the Board of Directors.

The general assembly meeting is called by the board of directors.

If the board of directors decides not to convene the general assembly, upon the application of one of the members, the magistrate judge shall appoint three members to convene the general assembly.

Invitation Procedure

The board of directors organises the list of members who have the right to participate in the general assembly according to the bylaws of the association. The members entitled to participate in the general assembly shall be invited to the meeting at least 15 (fifteen) days in advance by announcing the date, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by written or electronic mail. In this invitation, if the meeting cannot be held due to lack of majority, the day, time and place of the second meeting shall also be specified. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and longer than sixty days. If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the lack of majority, this situation shall be announced to the members in accordance with the invitation procedure for the first meeting, specifying the reasons for the postponement. The second meeting must be held within six months at the latest from the date of withdrawal. The members shall be re-invited to the second meeting in accordance with the principles set forth in the first paragraph.

The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.

Meeting Procedure

The General Assembly shall convene with the participation of the absolute majority of the members who have the right to participate, and with the participation of two out of three in cases of amendment of the bylaws and termination of the association; in the event that the meeting is postponed due to the failure to meet the majority, the majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the boards of directors and supervisory boards.

The list of members entitled to attend the general assembly shall be made available at the meeting place. The identity documents issued by the official authorities of the members who will enter the meeting place shall be checked by the members of the board of directors or the officers to be assigned by the board of directors. Members enter the meeting place by putting their signatures against their names on the list prepared by the Board of Directors.
 If the meeting quorum is met, the situation is determined with a minute and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the members of the board of directors to be assigned by him. In case the quorum is not met, a minute shall be prepared by the board of directors.

After the opening, a council committee is formed by electing a chairman and enough deputy chairmen and clerks to manage the meeting.

In the voting for the election of the bodies of the Association, it is obligatory for the voting members to show their identity cards to the council committee and sign their names against their names in the list of attendance.

The chairman of the council is responsible for the management and security of the meeting.

In the general assembly, only the topics included in the agenda shall be discussed. However, it is obligatory to include in the agenda the issues requested to be discussed in writing by one tenth of the members present at the meeting.

Each member has one vote in the general assembly; the member must cast his/her vote in person. Honorary members may attend the general assembly meetings but may not vote. In case a legal entity is a member, the chairman of the board of directors of the legal entity or the person authorised to represent the legal entity shall vote.

The topics discussed and the decisions taken at the meeting shall be written in a minute and signed by the chairman of the council and the clerks together. At the end of the meeting, the minutes and other documents shall be delivered to the chairman of the board of directors. The chairman of the board of directors is responsible for protecting these documents and delivering them to the newly elected board of directors within seven days.

Voting and Decision Making Procedures and Methods of the General Assembly

Article 8 – In the general assembly, unless otherwise decided, the elections of the members of the board of directors and supervisory board shall be voted by secret ballot and the decisions on other matters shall be voted openly. Secret ballots are the votes collected by putting the papers or ballot papers sealed by the chairman of the meeting into an empty box after they have been duly cast by the members and determined by open breakdown after the voting is over.

In open balloting, the method specified by the chairman of the general assembly shall be applied.

The decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by an absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. However, decisions on amendment of the statutes and termination of the association can only be taken by a 2/3 majority of the members attending the meeting.

Decisions taken without Meeting or without an Invitation

Decisions taken with the written participation of all members without coming together and decisions taken by all members of the association by coming together without complying with the call procedure written in these bylaws are valid. Taking decisions in this way shall not take the place of an ordinary meeting.

Duties and Powers of the General Assembly

Article 9 – The following matters shall be discussed and resolved by the General Assembly.

1-    Election of the bodies of the association,

2-    Changing the bylaws of the association,

3-    Discussion of the reports of the boards of directors and auditors and discharge of the board of directors,

4-    Discussing the budget prepared by the Board of Directors and accepting it as is or with amendments,

5-    Supervising other bodies of the Association and dismissing them for justifiable reasons when it is deemed necessary,

6-    Examination and resolution of appeals against the decisions of the Board of Directors regarding the refusal of membership or dismissal from membership,

7-    Authorising the Board of Directors to purchase the immovable properties required for the Association or to sell the existing immovable properties,

8-    To review and approve the regulations to be prepared by the Board of Directors regarding the activities of the Association and to approve them as they are or with amendments,

9-    To determine the remuneration, all kinds of allowances, travel and compensation to be paid to the chairman and members of the boards of directors and supervisory boards of the association who are not public officials, and the amount of daily allowances and travel allowances to be paid to the members to be assigned for the services of the association,

10- Determination of the association to join or leave the federation,

11- To authorise the Board of Directors to decide on the opening of branches of the Association and to authorise the Board of Directors to carry out the transactions related to the branch decided to be opened,

12- The association’s involvement in international activities, joining or leaving membership of associations and organisations abroad.

13- Establishment of a foundation by the association,

14- Termination of the association,

15- To review and decide on other proposals of the Board of Directors,

16- As the supreme authorised body of the Association, to perform the tasks and exercise the powers not delegated to any other body of the Association,

17- Fulfilment of other duties specified by the General Assembly in the legislation,

Organisation, Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors

Article 10 – The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly as five original and five substitute members.

The board of directors, in its first meeting after the election, shall determine the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer and member by dividing the duties with a decision.

The Board of Directors may be invited to a meeting at any time, provided that all members are notified. It convenes with the presence of one more than half of the total number of members. Decisions are taken by absolute majority of the total number of members attending the meeting.

In the event of a vacancy in the original membership of the Board of Directors due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to call the substitute members to duty according to the order of the majority of votes received in the General Assembly.

Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall fulfil the following duties.

1-    To represent the Association or to authorise one of its members or a third party in this regard,

2-    To carry out transactions related to income and expense accounts and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the general assembly,

3-    To prepare the regulations related to the work of the Association and submit them for the approval of the General Assembly,

4-    To purchase immovable property with the authority granted by the General Assembly, to sell movable and immovable property belonging to the association, to construct buildings or facilities, to make lease agreements, to establish pledges, mortgages or real rights in favour of the association,

5-    To ensure the execution of transactions related to the opening of branches with the authorization given by the General Assembly,

6-    To ensure the supervision of the branches of the Association,

7-    To ensure the opening of representative offices where it is considered necessary,

8-    To implement the decisions taken in the general assembly,

9-    At the end of each activity year, to organise the operating account statement or balance sheet and income statement of the association and the report explaining the activities of the board of directors, and to present it to the general assembly when assembled,

10- To ensure the implementation of the budget,

11- To decide on recruitment or dismissal of members to the Association,

12- To take and implement all kinds of decisions within its authority to realise the purpose of the Association,

13- To perform other duties and use the powers assigned to it by the legislation,

Organisation, Duties and Authorities of the Supervisory Board

Article 11 – The Supervisory Board is elected by the General Assembly as three original and three substitute members.

In the event of a vacancy in the original membership of the supervisory board due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to call the substitute members to duty according to the order of the majority of votes received in the general assembly.

Duties and Authorities of the Supervisory Board

The supervisory board shall supervise at intervals not exceeding one year, according to the principles and procedures set out in the association’s bylaws, whether the association operates in line with the purpose shown in its charter and the fields of activity specified to be carried out for the realisation of the purpose, whether the books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and the association’s bylaws, and shall submit the results of the audit in a report to the board of directors and to the general assembly when it is assembled.

The supervisory board shall call the general assembly to a meeting when it is necessary.

Sources of Income for the Association

Article 12 – The sources of income of the Association are listed below.

1-Membership fees: a) Translation enterprises shall be charged an entrance fee of 2000 TL and an annual fee of 1000 TL. The General Assembly is authorised to increase or decrease these amounts.

  1. b) An entrance fee of 1000 TL shall be charged for translators and an annual fee of 500 TL. The General Assembly is authorised to increase or decrease these amounts.

2-Branch fees: In order to meet the general expenses of the Association, 50% of the member fees collected by the branches are sent to the head office every six months,

3-Donations and aids made by real and legal persons to the association voluntarily,

4-Revenue from activities such as tea and dinner meetings, trips and entertainment, representation, concerts and conferences organised by the Association,

5-Revenue from the assets of the association,

6-Donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection,

7-Earnings from commercial activities undertaken by the association in order to obtain the income the association needs to realize its purpose,

8-Other revenues.              

Bookkeeping Principles and Procedures of the Association and Books to be Kept

Article 13-Principles of bookkeeping;

The Association shall keep books on the basis of business accounts. However, if the annual gross income exceeds the limit specified in Article 31 of the Bylaw on Associations, the books shall be kept on the balance sheet basis starting from the following accounting period.

In the event that the balance sheet basis is adopted, if the amount falls below the above-mentioned limit in two consecutive accounting periods, it is possible to return to the business account basis starting from the following year.

Notwithstanding the above-mentioned limit, books may be kept on the balance sheet basis upon the decision of the Board of Directors.

In the event that the Association opens a commercial enterprise, books shall also be kept for this commercial enterprise in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law.

Registration Procedure

The books and records of the Association shall be kept in accordance with the procedures and principles specified in the By-Law on Associations.

Books to be kept

The following books shall be kept in the Association.

  1. a) The books to be kept on the business account basis and the principles to be followed are as follows:

1-Decision Book: The decisions of the Board of Directors are written in this book in order of date and number and the decisions are signed by the members attending the meeting.

2-Member Registration Book: The identity information of those who enter the association as members, their entry and exit dates are recorded in this book. The amount of entrance and annual dues paid by the members can be recorded in this book.

3-Document Record Book: Incoming and outgoing documents are recorded in this book with date and sequence number. Originals of incoming documents and copies of outgoing documents are filed. Documents received or sent via electronic mail are kept by printing them out.

4-Operating Account Book: Revenues received and expenses incurred on behalf of the Association are clearly and regularly recorded in this book.

  1. b) The books to be kept on the balance sheet basis and the principles to be followed are as follows:

1- The books registered in subparagraphs 1, 2 and 3 of paragraph (a) shall also be kept in case of keeping books on the balance sheet basis.

2- Journal Book and General Ledger: The method of keeping and recording of these books are made in accordance with the principles of the Tax Procedure Law and the Accounting System Implementation General Communiques published based on the authorization given to the Ministry of Finance by this Law.

Certification of Books

The books that must be kept in the association (except the General Ledger) shall be certified by the provincial directorate of associations or a notary public before they are used. The use of these books is continued until the pages are completed and the books are not subject to interim certification. However, the Journal Book, which is kept on the balance sheet basis, must be recertified every year in the last month preceding the year in which it will be used.

Income Statement and Balance Sheet Preparation

In case of keeping records on an operating account basis, an “Operating Account Statement” (specified in Annex-16 of the Regulation on Associations) is prepared at the end of the year (December 31). In case of keeping books on the balance sheet basis, balance sheet and income statement are prepared at the end of the year (December 31) based on the Accounting System Implementation General Communiques published by the Ministry of Finance.

Income and Expenditure Transactions of the Association

Article 14-Income and expenditure documents;

Association revenues are collected with a “Certificate of Receipt” (a sample of which can be found in Annex 17 of the Bylaws on Associations). In case the revenues of the Association are collected through banks, documents such as bank receipts or account statements issued by the bank shall replace the receipt.

Expenditures of the association are made with expenditure documents such as invoices, retail sales receipts, self-employment receipts. However, for the payments of the association within the scope of Article 94 of the Income Tax Law, an expenditure voucher is used in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law, and for payments that are not within this scope, documents such as ” Expenditure Receipt” or “Bank Receipt” (an example of which can be found in Annex-13 of the Bylaws on Associations) are used as expenditure documents.

Free goods and service deliveries to be made by the association to individuals, institutions or organizations are made with the “In-Kind Aid Delivery Certificate” (an example of which can be found in Annex-14 of the Bylaws on Associations). Free goods and service deliveries to be made by individuals, institutions or organizations to the association are accepted with the “In-Kind Donation Receipt Certificate” (sample in Annex-15 of the Regulation on Associations).

These documents shall be printed in the form and size shown in Annex-13, Annex-14 and Annex-15, in binders consisting of fifty original and fifty stub sheets, bearing consecutive serial and sequence numbers, self-carbonised, or in form or continuous form to be printed through electronic systems and writing machines. The documents to be printed in form or continuous form must be of the specified quality.

Certificates of Receipt

“Certificates of Receipt” (in the format and size shown in Annex 17 of the By-Laws on Associations) to be used in the collection of the revenues of the Association are printed by the decision of the Board of Directors. The relevant provisions of the By-Law on Associations shall apply to the printing and control of the receipt documents, receipt from the printing house, recording in the book, transfer between the old and new treasurers and the use of these receipt documents by the person or persons who will collect income on behalf of the association with the receipt document and the delivery of the collected income.

Certificate of Authorization

The person or persons who will collect income on behalf of the association, excluding the actual members of the board of directors, shall be determined by the decision of the board of directors by specifying the period of authorization. The ” Certificate of Authorization” (in Annex-19 of the Regulation on Associations) containing the clear identity, signature and photographs of the persons who will collect income is issued in duplicate by the association and approved by the chairman of the board of directors of the association. The main members of the board of directors may collect income without a certificate of authorization.

The duration of the authorization certificates shall be determined by the board of directors as one year at most. Expired authorization certificates shall be renewed according to the first paragraph. In cases such as the expiration of the authorization certificate or the resignation, death, termination of employment or dismissal of the person in whose name the authorization certificate is issued, it is obligatory to deliver the authorization certificates issued to the board of directors of the association within one week. Moreover, the authorization to collect income may be cancelled at any time upon the decision of the board of directors.”

Retention Period of Income and Expenditure Documents;

Except for the books, the receipt documents, expenditure documents and other documents used by the association shall be kept for 5 years in accordance with the number and date order in the books in which they are recorded, without prejudice to the periods specified in special laws.

Submitting a Declaration

Article 15-After the “Declaration of the Association” (presented in Annex-21 of the By-Law on Associations) regarding the activities of the association for the previous year and the results of income and expenditure transactions as of the end of the year is approved by the board of directors of the association, it is submitted to the relevant local administrative authority by the president of the association within the first four months of each calendar year.

Obligation to Notify

Article 16-Notifications to be made to the civilian authority;

General Assembly Final Declaration

( Amendment: RG-23/1/2013-28537)(1) Within forty-five days following the ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meetings (Amended phrase: RG-21/10/2021-31635), the General Assembly Results Notification in Annex-3, which includes the original and substitute members elected to the boards of directors and supervisory boards and other organs, shall be submitted to the local administrative authority.

In the event that the bylaws are amended at the general assembly meeting; the minutes of the general assembly meeting, the old and new versions of the amended articles of the bylaws, the final version of the bylaws of the association, each page of which is signed by the absolute majority of the members of the board of directors, shall be submitted to the local administrative authority within the period specified in this paragraph (Repealed phrase: RG-9/7/2020-31180) (…).

(Repealed paragraph : RG-30/10/2011-28100)

Notifications of the results of the general assembly may also be made by a member of the board of directors authorised by the board of directors of the association. The chairman of the board of directors is responsible for the non-reporting.

Associations having funds shall notify the general assembly result notification of their funds (Amendment phrase: RG-23/1/2013-28537)(1) to the local administrative authority in the manner specified in this article.

( Amended phrase: RG-9/7/2020-31180) civil society relations units shall examine the compliance of the general assembly result notification and its annexes with the legislation. If there are any deficiencies or errors, the relevant associations are requested to correct them. In the event that deficiencies and errors are not corrected or criminal acts are detected, necessary legal action shall be taken.

Notification of Immovable Properties

The immovable properties acquired by the Association shall be notified to the local administrative authority by filling out the “Immovable Property Notification” (presented in Annex-26 of the By-Law on Associations) within thirty days from the registration to the title deed.

Notification of Receiving Aid from Abroad

In case of receiving aid from abroad, the association shall fill out the “Notification of Receiving Aid from Abroad” (specified in Annex-4 of the Regulation on Associations) and notify the local administrative authority before receiving aid.

Financial aids must be received through banks and the notification requirement must be fulfilled before use.

Notification of Amendments

Changes in the association’s place of residence shall be notified to the local administrative authority within thirty days following the change by filling in the “Notification of Change in Place of Residence” (specified in Annex-24 of the By-Law on Associations) and changes in the bodies of the association outside the general assembly meeting shall be notified to the local administrative authority within thirty days following the change by filling in the “Notification of Changes in the Bodies of the Association” (specified in Annex-25 of the By-Law on Associations).

Amendments to the bylaws of the Association shall also be notified to the local administrative authority within thirty days following the general assembly meeting where the amendment to the bylaws was made, in the annex of the general assembly result notification.

Internal Supervision of the Association

Article 17-Internal supervision may be conducted in the association by the general assembly, the board of directors or the supervisory board, as well as by independent supervisory organisations. The fact that an inspection has been made by the general assembly, the board of directors or independent supervisory organisations does not absolve the obligation of the supervisory board.

Supervisory board shall supervise the association at least once a year. The general assembly or the board of directors may conduct audits or have independent audit institutions conduct audits when deemed necessary.

Borrowing Procedures of the Association

Article 18 – In order to realize its purpose and carry out its activities, the Association may borrow money with the decision of the Board of Directors if required. This borrowing can be made in cash as well as in the purchase of goods and services on credit. However, this borrowing cannot be made in amounts that cannot be covered by the income sources of the association and that will put the association into insolvency.

Establishment of Branches of the Association

Article 19-The Association may open branches where considered necessary upon the decision of the General Assembly. For this purpose, the board of founders consisting of at least three persons authorised by the board of directors of the association submits the branch establishment notification and the necessary documents specified in the Regulation on Associations to the highest local authority of the place where the branch will be opened.

Duties and Authorities of Branches

Article 20 – Branches are internal organizations of the Association, which do not have legal personality, are authorized and tasked with carrying out autonomous activities in line with the purpose and service subjects of the Association, and are responsible for their receivables and debts arising from all their transactions.

Bodies of Branches and Provisions Applicable to Branches

Article 21- The bodies of the branch are the general assembly, the board of directors and the supervisory board.

The general assembly consists of the registered members of the branch. The board of directors is elected by the branch general assembly as five original and five substitute members and the supervisory board as three original and three substitute members.

The duties and powers of these bodies and other provisions of this by-law relating to the association shall also apply to the branch within the framework stipulated by the legislation.

The Meeting Time of the General Assembly of the Branches and How to be Represented in the General Assembly of the Head Office

Article 22 – Branches are obliged to conclude their ordinary general assembly meetings at least two months before the head office general assembly meeting.

The ordinary general assembly of the branches shall convene every 3 years in September, on the day, place and time to be determined by the branch board of directors.

Branches are obliged to notify the local administrative authority and the head office of the association within thirty days following the date of the general assembly meeting.

Branches are represented by elective and natural delegates in the general assembly of the head office. The chairmen of the board of directors and supervisory board of the branches as natural delegates, one (1) for every twenty (20) members registered in the branch, and if the number of remaining members is more than 10 or the total number of members is less than 20, the delegates to be elected among these members as elective delegates have the right to participate in the general assembly of the head office representing the branch.

Delegates elected at the last branch general assembly shall attend the general assembly of the head office. Members of the head office board of directors and supervisory board attend the head office general assembly, but cannot vote unless they are elected as delegates on behalf of the branch.

Those who serve in the board of directors or supervisory board of the branches shall resign from their duties in the branch when they are elected to the board of directors or supervisory board of the head office.

Opening a Representative Office

Article 23-The Association may open a representative office with the decision of the board of directors in order to carry out the activities of the Association wherever it is deemed necessary. The address of the representative office shall be notified in writing to the local administrative authority by the person or persons appointed as representative by the decision of the board of directors. The representative office shall not be represented in the general assembly of the association. Branches cannot open representative offices.

How to Amend the By-laws

Article 24 – Amendment of the bylaws may be made by a decision of the general assembly.

In order to amend the bylaws in the general assembly, 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend and vote in the general assembly are required. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, the majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the boards of directors and supervisory boards.

The majority of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote is 2/3 of the votes required for the amendment of the bylaws. Voting on the amendment of the bylaws in the general assembly shall be open.

Termination of the Association and Method of Liquidation of Assets

Article 25 – The general assembly may at any time decide to dissolve the association.

In order for the termination issue to be discussed in the General Assembly, 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend and vote in the General Assembly shall be sought. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, the majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the boards of directors and supervisory boards.

The majority of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote is 2/3 of the votes required for the termination decision to be taken. Voting on the termination decision in the general assembly shall be open.

Liquidation Procedures

When the general assembly decides on termination, the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association shall be carried out by the liquidation board consisting of the members of the last board of directors. These procedures shall commence as of the date of the decision of the general assembly regarding the termination or the date of the finalisation of the spontaneous termination. During the liquidation period, the phrase “ASSOCIATION OF ALL TRANSLATORS AND TRANSLATION AGENCIES” shall be used at the beginning of the name of the association in all transactions.

The liquidation board is responsible and authorised to complete the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association from the beginning to the end in accordance with the legislation. This board first examines the accounts of the association. During the examination, the books, receipt documents, expenditure documents, title deed and bank records and other documents of the association are determined and their assets and liabilities are recorded in a minute. During the liquidation procedures, a call is made to the creditors of the association and the assets, in case any, are converted into money and paid to the creditors. If the Association has creditors, the receivables are collected. All money, property and rights remaining after the collection of receivables and payment of debts are transferred to the place determined in the general assembly. If the place to be transferred is not determined in the general assembly, it shall be transferred to the association closest to the purpose of the association in the province where the association is located and which has the highest number of members on the date of termination.

All transactions related to the liquidation shall be shown in the liquidation minutes and the liquidation procedures shall be completed within three months, except for the additional periods granted by the local administrative authorities based on a justified reason.

Following the completion of the liquidation and transfer of the money, property and rights of the association, the liquidation board must notify the local administrative authority of the place where the head office of the association is located within seven days with a letter and the liquidation report must be attached to this letter.

The last members of the board of directors, as the liquidation board, are responsible for keeping the books and documents of the Association. This duty may also be assigned to a member of the board of directors. The retention period of these books and documents is five years.

Lack of Provision

Article 26 – The provisions of the Law on Associations, the Turkish Civil Code and the Regulation on Associations issued by reference to these laws and the provisions of other relevant legislation on associations shall apply to matters not specified in these bylaws.

This by-law consists of 26 (Twenty-six) articles.